The problem with GUIs¶
If you have worked with any GUI framework, like the excellent QT library, you will have noticed a very common problem: in order to make difficult things possible, simple things become difficult.
Guietta makes simple GUIs simple. For example, suppose that you want to make a GUI where the user enters two numbers, and when a button is clicked some complicated operation is performed, say, the numbers are added up, and the result displayed back to the user. With plain QT, you have two choices:
- Start Qt Designer up and build your GUI using drag and drop. Designer saves an .ui file, which can be converted using pyuic to a python module, which can be imported into your program….
- Skip Designer and do things programmatically: create a layout, then create your three or four widgets, then add them to the layout. Ah wait, should we build a row with HBoxLayout and join several of them into a VBoxLayout, or is it the other way around? How things are going to line up?
It’s not over. In both cases, now define a function that does the calculation, connect the right signal to the right slot (what was the signal name again?), etc etc….
I’ve given up already.
Using Guietta’s compact syntax, here is how the layout looks like:
from guietta import _, Gui, Quit
gui = Gui(
[ 'Enter numbers:', '__a__' , '+' , '__b__', ['Calculate'] ],
[ 'Result: -->' , 'result' , _ , _ , _ ],
[ _ , _ , _ , _ , Quit ] )
can you see the GUI? Right in the code? We can add then the behaviour with a few more lines:
with gui.Calculate:
gui.result = float(gui.a) + float(gui.b)
That’s enough to get it working! That was 11 lines in total, including a few blank ones for clarity.
And here is the result on my computer:
It’s that simple.
for IPython users: if you type the previous example on the command prompt, it may or may not work (it appears to work on recent ipython versions). IPython does strange things with the command history. If it does not work, put the example into a file and run it.
What Guietta is¶
Guietta is actually a thin wrapper over QT. It allows one to quickly create QT widgets, assemble them into a layout, and make it responsive to user input. All standard QT features are available, including signals/slots and the event loop, so if you know enough QT, you can do some pretty amazing things.
And if you have a big graphical program with multiple windows and pop-ups, you can use a subset of Guietta to simplify the window creation where it makes sense.
It also works in the other direction: if you have a big complicated custom QT widget, and you need to insert it into a dialog together with some more buttons, Guietta can do that too.
What Guietta is not¶
Guietta is a tool for making simple GUIs. You will not able to use it to make the next version of Photoshop, not even the next version of MS Paint. It does not do super-fancy layouts, or cinema-like animations.
Aren’t you just copying from PySimpleGUI?¶
PySimpleGUI is a much bigger project with a bigger goal: produce a GUI framework that can work with multiple interfaces (QT, TKinter, even web-based) and is easy to use for the beginner. PySimpleGUI’s simplified syntax was a great idea and it was the inspiration for Guietta, but it stopped to soon. Guietta goes much further in simplifying things, and as a result it has less features than PySimpleGUI.